Running wild and chasing butterflies at Ebbor Gorge in the Mendip Hills

Part of the draw of moving from the city to the countryside was to enjoy more walks and scenery on our doorstep. So we were delighted to discover that Ebbor Gorge, a beauty spot tucked away in the Mendip Hills, is just a short drive away from our new home.
Located just minutes from the A39 near Wells, we discovered this walk early in the year, having parked in Wookey Hole village to explore the nearby footpaths branching from the road. We wandered through woodland paths, clambered over stiles, and found ourselves at the bottom of this magnificent gorge.
Holding on tight to little hands, the four of us scrambled over the rocks as we ascended through the narrowing gorge. At one point near the top, you could reach out and almost touch either side of it with your fingertips. From the top, a panoramic view of the Somerset Levels and the gorge below awaits you. Glastonbury Tor thrusts from the landscape in the distance while the quiet city of Wells nestles close by. Flasks of tea and squash were drained and chocolate devoured as we enjoyed the spectacular view before us.
We walked there as a family again recently, choosing a different route by parking at the top again, but walking up through the fields surrounding the gorge, returning to the viewing spot at the top. Being there in summer was a visual treat. Fields that were once empty were heaving with wild flowers. While we relaxed in the sunshine after our picnic, the twins ran around like wild things through the long grasses, blowing dandelion fluff through the breeze, wading through the stream, roaring at the bear sculpture made from willow, chasing butterflies in the meadow. They were very happy children indeed, truly content in nature’s playground.
Images by Karen Walk